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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tutorial KALI wpscan – Hacking sites in WordPress Using Kali linux

On the menu Applications selecione Kali Linux/WebApplications/CMS Identification/wpscan

will open a terminal window where u can type:

ruby /usr/bin/wpscan --url --enumerate p

This command will make the checks more common and list the installed plugins and some plugins have known security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities are avidly found links with information on how to exploit these flaws. The result is similar to that.


Going one step further we can use the parameter you to list the users admin panel

ruby /usr/bin/wpscan --url --enumerate u
with the users listed can use the following parameter in the command to run a brute force attack on the panel:
ruby /usr/bin/wpscan. --url --wordlist words.txt --username admin
In this case, we have a wordlist with passwords which in our case is called words.txt just put the name of your, and u username will put the user who was enumerated using the previous command in our case was the admin.
All of these commands can be executed anonymously using the end parameter –proxy HTTP:// (OBS: this will only work if u have followed our tip configuration Kali Tor in Linux)
I hope you enjoyed.
These tips should not be used to “times” but to help all.
As a hint there some plugins that help improve the safety of wordpress, some are even able to block attempts to brute force attacks.
Do not forget to share and subscribe to the blog to be notified of updates by email.
Until next time.


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Is TOR Secure??

TOR is not safe to hack!! With putting too much security in middle, you increase the risk of malicious traffic from end station going undetected through this tight-secure loop. It’s a general rule when traffic moves from higher trust to lower trust , the nature of protection provided on either ends should be evaluated and should it match with the data classification level it carries with in. try using some other vpns!!In particular if somebody can observe your traffic and your target's traffic, he can correlate that.

One interesting variant is connecting to a VPN over TOR. That helps with 3), provided you trust the VPN, but you need to figure out a way to buy VPN access anonymously.

Factors Affecting Anonymity Online

IP address- can be resolved by VPN's. User agent- MAC address - Technetium mac changer. For more information be have anonymous service online. Please visit

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