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Sunday, August 11, 2013


Intro - WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint WAF products protecting a website.

1. How to open wafw00f
A. GUI Method
Application → Information Gathering → IDS/IPS identification → wafw00f
                                                               (click on image for large view)

B. Open Terminal and type wafw00f and hit enter

2. Here we found a firewall detection on our targte website
Syntax – wafw00f domain
Ex – wafw00f

3. Here we could not found any firewall detection.



Is TOR Secure??

TOR is not safe to hack!! With putting too much security in middle, you increase the risk of malicious traffic from end station going undetected through this tight-secure loop. It’s a general rule when traffic moves from higher trust to lower trust , the nature of protection provided on either ends should be evaluated and should it match with the data classification level it carries with in. try using some other vpns!!In particular if somebody can observe your traffic and your target's traffic, he can correlate that.

One interesting variant is connecting to a VPN over TOR. That helps with 3), provided you trust the VPN, but you need to figure out a way to buy VPN access anonymously.

Factors Affecting Anonymity Online

IP address- can be resolved by VPN's. User agent- MAC address - Technetium mac changer. For more information be have anonymous service online. Please visit

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