Everyone would be knowing about google dorks,
What is a google dork ?
Almost every website you visit has a private
“virtual notebook”, also known as a database stores everything you do on
that website. If you give the site your credit card number or social security
number, it is kept in their “virtual notebook”. You leave the site,
believing that no one except you can get your information. Unfortunately, the
entire world can get any information you’ve entered on almost any website
thanks to Google Search. Google Search is including almost every “virtual
notebook” and the information stored within that notebook in their search
results. If you’ve given a site your credit card number or social security
number, then there
is a very high chance it is in
Google search.
There are number of dork but i found few dorks which are much powerful than others.
This is a google dork for Simple File Manager V.024, where you can log in a password. Dork Go to google and search for
"Simple file manager .024"
Then look for the fm.php page, it is vulnerable
(not tested on earlier versions) at version .024 All you need is the username,
it is often implemented as standard. otherwise you can try something like
'admin'. The exploit fm.php Go to the page, and follow it with u =? , then the
user. So for example: http:// www.exploitable-site.com/fm.php?
u = admin This version of Simple File Manager checks this way is not a
password, if the property is within you now. upload your shell or do whatever
you can not leave. Fix? On the site http:// onedotoh.sourceforge.net/ is
no new version, although they use a newer version as a live demo. So far as I
know, there is no patch released.
This is an example of a hacked website
It was done by someone . poor security i guess.
Use the knowledge at your own risk ,im never held responsible for
sharing the knowledge
Always have a look at http://www.exploit-db.com/google-dorks/ to get updated ones because everyone uses google dorks so always try to get updated ;)
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