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Friday, August 23, 2013


! I can not be responsible for possible damage after using this software!


Hello, First of all, disable your antivirus software because it is naturally considered a TROJAN.Une extracted once I advise you to configure your antivirus to ignore the issue of its Net_RAT_v26 Spt-SCAN if you are good to re- extract. RAR because the virus will delete the SpyNet.exe (the application). First, download the software SpyNet 2.6 to the address below and extract it on your desktop:

Once extracted to your desktop, you will see its contents: File-Save (the three languages ​​available for the software)
Record-profile (or find the profiles of "Servers" you will create. For info, you have already created two basic but better to create one as explained below).

Record-Settings.ini (Files software settings, DO NOT TOUCH THIS TIME)

-Sound.wav (audio file used by Spynet when one of your client connects)

-SpyNet.exe (executable Spynet)

Open a web page and log in here: site allows you to create a DNS that will be clean. This is because many, your box / router (Livebox, Freebox etc ...) Change of IP every 24 hours, and thanks to this website (NOIP) you can create a dns that will always be the same despite your ip changes. eg short, the DNS allows, when you want to connect to a client after the server is installed on his pc, to bring back the information to your pc.CREATION ACCOUNT NOIP: Look at this tutorial well done to download the software, then create your account NOIP and configure it on your pc.


- Run, having many disabled your antivirus before (because Spynet is seen as a Trojan by antivirus).
- The software starts. Make start (top left), note that the software is in Spanish.
- To put it in ENGLISH, follow the procedure to the letter:

* Close the program, go to the folder RAT Spy-Net 2.6 Can Settings.ini in the folder, and the line: languages, replace default.ini with the full path of the file in the folder English.ini Spt-Net_RAT_v26.

ex: C: \ Documents and Settings \ NAME OF YOUR SESSION \ Path where you placed your file Spy-Net Rat 2.6 \ Spy-Net 2.6 RAT \ language \ English.ini

example: C: \ Documents and Settings \ Manu session \ Desktop \ Spy-Net Rat 2.6 \ Spy-Net 2.6 RAT \ language \ English.ini

* Restart Spynet.exe, it should be in English now. (If not, check that you did not make a mistake in the line to edit).

- Please, Select Options and Listening Ports.
-Enter the ports 80, 81, 82, 83 and SAVE do.

-Make: File, Create Server, and then NEW

-Give it a name: eg "Server" and then select the OK and make-Forward (bottom right) .- Make "Add" and then add the following line:
* 80 ok and then do the same for the ports 81,82,83.

eg 80 81 82 83

do not touch anything else on this page .- go to the tab: INSTALLATION, then check the following boxes:

Install server system * * * * HKEY_CURRENT_USER * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ActiveSetup (and repeatedly press Random) * In the "Directory" can be written "Install" (which is the folder will be installed on the sever SpyNet your pc client). Feel free to note another folder name).
* In the "File Name", note what you want! eg "explorer.exe" (this is the name under which processes will be installed SPYNET.EXE.
* No injection (if you do not want the injection to a process already exists)
* Persistence

- Create Server tab, check:

* * Use USB Icon Spreader (for the move to USB Spynet.exe on other items just by plugging ).__________________ OPTION: If you check "Bind Files" that can attach your server to SpyNet another program and it starts quietly and tutorials are available on youtube for that.

* Make "Create server".

Here is your server is now created.

This does not mean that everything works.


We must now open your ports on your box (Livebox, Freebox etc ...)

Above all, depending on whether you connect to your box by Ethernet or WiFi, I advise you to put a fixed IP on your network card.

eg if your box has the IP:
return to your network card the following values:

ip address: subnet mask : pass: Primary:
In your box now going to open ports 80 and 83 in TCP and UDP to the fixed IP address for your network card (  ie open port 80 to 83 in TCP / UDP to
If you do not have fixed IP to your network card, your box will know how to bring that information to your client?
this is what it is to set a fixed IP.

It only remains for you to send your server SpyNet who you want: @ your MSN contacts etc ...

I created this tutorial to help, but having slaved myself to set it up to the end, so I share my knowledge. 


  1. Hacking For Beginners .: Full Tutorial Spynet 2.7 >>>>> Download Now

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    Hacking For Beginners .: Full Tutorial Spynet 2.7 >>>>> Download LINK

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    Hacking For Beginners .: Full Tutorial Spynet 2.7 >>>>> Download Full

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Is TOR Secure??

TOR is not safe to hack!! With putting too much security in middle, you increase the risk of malicious traffic from end station going undetected through this tight-secure loop. It’s a general rule when traffic moves from higher trust to lower trust , the nature of protection provided on either ends should be evaluated and should it match with the data classification level it carries with in. try using some other vpns!!In particular if somebody can observe your traffic and your target's traffic, he can correlate that.

One interesting variant is connecting to a VPN over TOR. That helps with 3), provided you trust the VPN, but you need to figure out a way to buy VPN access anonymously.

Factors Affecting Anonymity Online

IP address- can be resolved by VPN's. User agent- MAC address - Technetium mac changer. For more information be have anonymous service online. Please visit

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